2019年12月12日(土)- 12月15日(日)

December 12 – 15 , 2019
City Suites, Kaohsiung

ART KAOHSIUNG is launching its seventh edition in 2019. Since 2013, it has been earnestly cultivating the art market of southern Taiwan and the exhibition industry. A new vision for Taiwanese art market has been carved out through its effort of integrating abundant resources among industries, cultural bureaus and academics. ART KAOHSIUNG has encompassed eminent galleries around China, Japan, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and the United States, attracting 12,000 visitors and USD 4 million sales amount. The much anticipated ART KAOHSIUNG has become the iconic art fair of southern Taiwan.

Positioned as “the platform of Southeast and Northeast Asian art,” and corresponding with The Go-South Policy of Taiwanese government, ART KAOHSIUNG focuses on art and cultural exchanges and relentlessly contributes to the next art collecting trend.

Seven years of strategic development and careful management, with the vision of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government, professional experiences of all parties, network resources, Collector Convergence Plan, and cross-over projects, ART KAOHSIUNG will present the progressive strength of southern Taiwan. We sincerely welcome you to be the energy of progress in Taiwanese art industry