桜井孝身の哲学から「奇跡の前衛美術集団 九州派」を読み解く作品集制作プロジェクト

Project to produce a collection of works to decipher the "miraculous avant-garde art group Kyushu-ha" from Takami Sakurai's philosophy.

2022年7月21日(木) - 8月30日(火)






クラウドファンディングへアクセス →

KYUSHU-HA is an art group that was born in Fukuoka, Japan, under the banner of anti-center, anti-authority, and anti-art.
This time, we would like to produce a collection of works with Takami Sakurai’s philosophy and interviews with those involved, which will provide clues to the significance and potential of KYUSHU-HA and promote the Kyushu school both domestically and internationally.

Art must be avant-garde and innovative.
KYUSHU-HA is a miraculous group that has established such rules of art, which are taken for granted in the modern world, here in Fukuoka, Kyushu, and more than half a century ago.
That is why I believe that we can share our value in the global art scene.
I am convinced that KYUSHU-HA is one of those with the greatest potential to do so.

Art is not something that is familiar or comfortable with conventional values.
It is about the repetition of destruction and construction.
That is the proof that human beings are free.

By coming into contact with this group, we are confronted with the essence of art, which is what we are supposed to find.
Isn’t it to know the essence of art, in other words, to feel the pure art that art inherently is?
To know pure art is to call back to the pure soul that every human being possesses.
I think it is simply a matter of being reminded of the natural fact that human beings are animated by natural phenomena.
In other words, the creation of the human ideal, I believe, is art.

We must feel the purity of this art and cultivate our sense of it.
the true ideal we seek, freedom, can be defined.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)