池田 満寿夫

Masuo Ikeda



1934 旧満州奉天市に生まれる
1951 第1回全日本学生油絵コンクール(毎日新聞社主催)で、油彩「橋のある風景」<アトリエ賞>
1955 靉嘔眞鍋博堀内康司とグループ「実在者」を結成
1957 第1回 東京国際版画ビエンナーレ展「入選」
1960 第2回 東京国際版画ビエンナーレ展「文部大臣賞」
1961 第2回 パリ・ビエンナーレ展「優秀賞」
1962 第3回 東京国際版画ビエンナーレ展「東京都知事賞」
1964 第4回 東京国際版画ビエンナーレ展「国立近代美術館賞」
1965 渡米、ニューヨーク近代美術館で日本人として最初の個展(東京国際版画ビエンナーレ展の審査員を務めたウィリアム・S・リーバーマンが企画)
1965 第6回リュブリアナ国際版画ビエンナーレ展「入賞」
1966 第33回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ展「版画部門大賞」(日本人として棟方志功以来2人目)
1966 第1回クラクフ国際版画ビエンナーレ展「入賞」
1967 第17回芸術選奨「文部大臣賞」
1969 第8回リュブリアナ国際版画展 ユーゴスラビア科学芸術「アカデミー賞」
1970 第3回クラコウ国際版画ビエンナーレ展「買上賞」シレジアン美術館
1970 第17回アメリカ国内版画展「入賞」(ブルックリン美術館
1971 米国議会図書館主催第22回版画展「買上賞」
1972 アントワープ国際文化書籍展「金賞」
1977 小説「エーゲ海に捧ぐ」第77回「芥川賞
1981 『池田満寿夫25年の歩み展』(大阪・ナビオギャラリー)
1984 日本橋高島屋にて初の陶芸展開催。以後大阪、横浜、玉川各店にて開催
1986 タペストリー・コラージュ「天の岩戸」が国立国会図書館新館に設置
1989 ブロンズモニュメント作品「聖者」(高さ7m ) を岐阜県北方町に設置
1991 『池田満寿夫のライフアート展』(日本橋・高島屋)
1991 西宮市 創造の丘ナシオンにブロンズモニュメント「動と静」「天馬」「ラ・メール」設置
1992 『池田満寿夫のパビリオン展』(大阪・なんば高島屋)
1993 『池田満寿夫アートワーク展』(名古屋・松坂屋美術館)
1993 『池田満寿夫作陶10周年-古代幻視と富士百景展』(日本橋・高島屋)
1995 陶版による「Fuji 100展」開催
1995 『般若心経の世界展』(京都・大丸ミュージアム他、巡回展)
1995 第2回フジサンケイ・ビエンナーレ現代国際彫刻展「優秀賞」
1995 京都市、清水寺で、阪神・淡路大震災の犠牲者鎮魂のため、縦4m×横7mの和紙に「般若心経」の経文を揮毫
1996 『池田満寿夫展』(長野・長野県信濃美術館
1996 長野市オリンピック メインスタジアム前にシンボルモニュメント 「オリンピック讃歌」設置
1997 熱海市海光町の自宅にて逝去 享年63歳
1997 長野県松代町に池田満寿夫美術館一般公開。


Ikeda Masuo (1934-1997) has demonstrated talent in a wide range of fields like painting, sculpture, ceramics, literature, caligraphy, film and also printmaking.

He was born in former Manchukuo (now Northeast China) and moved to the home town of his parents, Nagano, after the war.
After going to Tokyo he took up colour etching due to the encouragement of painter Ei-Q; 1960 Ikeda received the Minister of Education Prize at the International Biennal Exhibition of Prints in Tokyo and became famous overnight as the Cinderella Boy. He held a solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art (NY) in 1965 and the following year he won the International Print Award at the Venice Biennale Exhibition, which led to him receiving high praise internationally.

In addition, he is also very passionate about literature; 1977 he received the Akutagawa Prize for his novel ”Dedicated to the Aegean Sea”, which he also turned into a movie, making his debut as a film director. Since then he kept taking on various challenges as a multi-artist.
Just like the words ”There is no progress in art, only change”, one by one he pioneered a new world of expression.

1934 born in Mukden, former Manchuria
1951 won the Atelier Award for his oil painting ”Landscape With A Bridge” at the 1st Oil Painting Contest for All-Japan Students and School Children (Sponsor: Mainichi Shinbunsha)
1955 formed the group ”Jitsuzaisha” with Ay-O, Manabe Hiroshi and Horiuchi Koji
1957 selected for the 1st International Biennial Exhibition of Prints in Tokyo
1960 Minister of Education Prize at the 2nd International Biennial Exhibition of Prints in Tokyo
1961 Award of Excellence at the 2nd Biennale de Paris
1962 Tokyo Govenor Award at the 3rd International Biennial Exhibition of Prints in Tokyo
1964 National Museum of Modern Art Award at the 4th International Biennial Exhibition of Prints in Tokyo
1965 went to the United States, first solo exhibition of a Japanese person at the Museum of Modern Art, NY (organized by William S. Lieberman, a judge of the International Biennial Exhibition of Prints in Tokyo)
1965 won a prize at the 6th Ljubljana International Biennial of Graphic Art Exhibition
1966 First Prize in the category Printmaking at the 33rd Biennale di Venezia (second Japanese person since Munakata Shiko)
1966 won a prize at the 1st International Print Biennal Exhibition, Krakow
1967 Minister of Education Award at the 17th Geijutsusensho
1969 Academy Award of the Yugoslavia Academy of Science and Arts at the 8th Ljubljana International Biennial of Graphic Art Exhibition
1970 Purchasing Award of the Silesian Art Museum at the 3rd Miedzynarodowe Biennale Grafiki Exhibition
1970 won a prize at the 17th American Print Exhibition (Brooklyn Museum)
1971 Purchasing Award at the 22nd Print Exhibition (Sponsor: Library of Congress, USA)
1972 First Place at the Antwerp Book Fair
1977 77th Akutagawa Price for the novel ”Dedicated to the Aegean Sea”
1981 Ikeda Masuo 25 Years of Progress exhibition (Osaka, Navio Gallery)
1984 first ceramics exhibition held at Nihonbashi Takashimaya, later also in Osaka, Yokohama, Tamagawa Takashimaya
1986 his tapestry collage ”Ten no Iwato” was hung up at the National Diet Library Annex
1989 his bronze monument ”Seija” (7m high) was established in Kitagata, Gifu
1991 Ikeda Masuo Live Art Exhibition (Nihonbashi Takashimaya)
1991 bronze monuments ”Motion and Stillness”, ”Tenba” and ”La Mer” were established in Sozo no Oka Nation, Nishinomiya
1992 Ikeda Masuo pavilion exhibition (Osaka, Nanba Takashimaya)
1993 Ikeda Masuo artwork exhibition (Nagoya, Matsuzakaya Art Museum)
1993 Ikeda Masuo ceramics 10th anniversary exhibition – ancient vision and 100 famous views of Fuji (Nihonbashi Takashimaya)
1994 ”Heart Sutra’s World” exhibition (Kyoto, Daimaru Museum et al., travelling exhibition)
1995 held ”Fuji 100” ceramics exhibition
1995 Award of Excellence at the 2nd Fujisankei Bienalle International Exhibition for Contemporary Sculpture
1995 wrote the Heart Sutra on 4m x 7m Washi at the Kiyomizudera (Kyoto) to repose the souls of the victims of the Great Hanshin Earthquake
1996 Ikeda Masuo exhibition (Nagano, Nagano Prefectural Shinano Art Museum)
1996 Symbol Monument ”Olympic Hymn” was established in front of the Nagano Olympic Stadium
1997 dies at home in Kaikocho (Atami) at the age of 63
1997 Ikeda Masuo Art Museum opened in Matsushiromachi, Nagano

Gallery MORYTA exhibition 池田満寿夫 展 – 外ト内ト – website
Gallery MORYTA exhibition 現代美術の継承 -池田満寿夫と北川健次・山口啓介 website
Gallery MORYTA exhibition 池田満寿夫 展 – 描かれた女とエロス – website