
2024年3月2日(土) - 3月5日(火)

鳥越一輝發展出一種抽象的表現方式,彷彿與畫面進行瘋 狂的搏鬥。作品伴隨著強烈的筆觸,似乎要粉碎這世界中 所有潛伏的詭計。鳥越追求藝術生俱來的深度和重量,試 圖貼近內心的感受。 他嘗試突破人類所能做出的筆觸的局限,創造出獨特的 「超越筆畫」方法,形成了獨特的藝術世界觀。他的藝術 風格鼓勵喚醒觀者的心靈,與1950年代在福岡誕生的卓越 前衛藝術團體“九州派”一脈相承。

2005 畢業於筑陽学園設計系 2007 畢業於日本設計學院九州校

2019 “FACE” 於第一屆田川藝術雙年展「英展」獲得首獎 ,該作品由田川市美術館收藏
2019 “INOCHI” 於第二屆枕崎國際藝術賞展獲得Dreams Come True獎,該作品由鹿児島縣枕崎市企業收藏 2021 “Record to be Remembered” 於福岡市Fukuoka Wall Art Project獲得首獎

2019 田川藝術雙年展英展/枕崎國際藝術賞展 得獎作品展 / 村岡屋Gallery 福岡
2020 九州新藝術 Kyushu New Art / 博多阪急百貨 福岡
2021 春 Hare 展 / Nakao Gallery 熊本
2021鳥越一輝個展“DOCHANGEWITHART” -Don’tgiveashitaboutinteriorart,artisart!-
/ NW.greenside久留米由GalleryMORYTA企劃
2021 ART FAIR ASIA FUKUOKA 2021 福岡亞洲藝術博覽會2021 /福岡
2021 九州新藝術2 Kyushu New Art 2 / 博多阪急百貨 福岡 2021鳥越一輝個展“TORIGOEX“ /GalleryMORYTA 福岡
2022 鳥越一輝個展 “22 Nude paintings of 2022 ” / GALLERY MORYTA 福岡
2022 福岡亞洲藝術博覽會ART FAIR ASIA FUKUOKA 2022 /福岡 2022高雄藝術博覽會ARTKAOHSIUNG2022 /台灣高雄
2023Movement-Vol.1 /Artglorieux_GALLERY,GINZASIX 東京
2023 日本無極限當代藝術博覽會 Infinity Japan 2023 / 台灣台北
2023 福岡亞洲藝術博覽會 ART FAIR ASIA FUKUOKA 2023/ 福岡
2023 鳥越一輝個展 “Avant-garde art that has taken over” / Gallery MORYTA 福岡 2023 台北國際藝術博覽會 ART TAIPEI 2023 / 台灣台北
2023 高雄藝術博覽會 ART KAOHSIUNG 2023 / 台灣高雄 2024藝術未來ARTFUTURE2024 /台灣台北

Born in Ogori City, Fukuoka, Japan in1986.
KAZUKI TORIGOE is renowned for his abstract expressions, as if he is in a wrestling match with the canvas. His works are characterized by intense brushstrokes that appear to shatter all the deceit lurking in this world. He seeks the inherent depth and weight of art to connect with his innermost feelings. By striving to transcend the limitations of human-made strokes, he has
developed his unique “beyond stroke” method, creating a distinctive artistic worldview. His artworks, designed to awaken the viewer’s mind, carry on the legacy of the extraordinary avant- garde art group Kyushu-ha, which originated in Fukuoka in the 1950s.
2005 Graduated from Chikuyo Gakuen School of Design 2007 Graduated from Japan Designer Gakuin
2019 “FACE ” won the Grand Prize at the 1st Tagawa Art Biennale “ Ei Exhibition”, purchased by Tagawa City Art Museum in Fukuoka
2019 “INOCHI” Awarded the Dreams Come True Prize at the 2nd “Makurazaki International Art Award Exhibition”, purchased by Makurazaki City Company in Kagoshima
2021 “Record to be Remembered” won the Grand Prize at Fukuoka Wall Art Project
2019 Makurazaki International Art Award Commemorative Exhibition / Fukuoka
2020 Kyushu New Art / Hakata Hankyu Department store, Fukuoka
2021 Spring Hare Exhibition / Nakao Gallery, Kumamoto 2021TORIGOEKAZUKIexhibition“DOCHANGEWITHART” -Don’tgiveashitaboutinteriorart,artis
art!- /NW.greensideinKurume/PlanningcooperationbyGalleryMORYTA
2021 ART FAIR ASIA FUKUOKA 2021/ Fukuoka
2021 Kyushu New Art 2 / Hakata Hankyu Department store in Fukuoka 2021TORIGOEKAZUKIexhibition“TORIGOEX“ /GalleryMORYTA,Fukuoka
2022 TORIGOE KAZUKI exhibition “22 Nude paintings of 2022 ” / GALLERY MORYTA, Fukuoka
2022 ART FAIR ASIA FUKUOKA 2022 / Fukuoka
2022 ART KAOHSIUNG 2022 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2023Movement-Vol.1 /Artglorieux_GALLERY,GINZASIX,Tokyo
2023 Infinity Japan / Taipei, Taiwan
2023 ART FAIR ASIA FUKUOKA 2023 / Fukuoka
2023 TORIGOE KAZUKI exhibition “Avant-garde art that has taken over” / Gallery MORYTA, Fukuoka 2023 ART TAIPEI 2023 / Taipei, Taiwan
2023 ART KAOHSIUNG 2023 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2024 ART FUTURE 2024 / Taipei, Taiwan

● 台湾好報

● 台湾Yahoo!新聞 日本藝術家鳥越一輝 首次跨國駐村衛武營WeR

● 鮮週報 日籍藝術家鳥越一輝駐村衛武營創作一個月 衛武營藝術村WER首辦個展

● 台湾新生報 鳥越一輝跨國駐村WeR開展

● PChome新聞 日本藝術家鳥越一輝 首次跨國駐村衛武營WeR

● YamNews 日本藝術家鳥越一輝 首次跨國駐村衛武營WeR

● OwlNews 日本藝術家鳥越一輝 首次跨國駐村衛武營 WeR






「透過鳥越先生獨特的作畫方式 『超越筆畫 beyond stroke』呈現」

在台湾政府文化局、高雄市文化局、艺术家村和其他政府机构、当地建筑巨头 Yeon-Te Construction 以及所有相关人员的支持下,还有我在艺术博览会上认识的、在这个项目中发挥了重要作用的 Kaoru 先生和其他许多人,驻村艺术家鸟越和树 将举办作品展示会。
人在作画时利用细胞、神经和肌肉产生的手部笔触,其力度和速度自然是有限的。 然而,鸟越喷涌而出的能量希望克服人类的这些限制,并开发出一种独特的方法。
鸟越的独特绘画风格是 “超越笔触”。
鸟越在画布另一面所表现出的挣扎和挑战,不禁与观者的灵魂产生共鸣。 对于一些人来说,这种强烈的激情可能会与自己的 “梦想 “相提并论,而对于另一些人来说,这可能是拓展未来可能性的契机。
这并不是一个任凭潮流和时尚摆布的问题,而是一个以压倒性的力量与时代和人民互动的问题,当然也是一个内在的 “微妙 “问题。 我认为艺术就应该是这样的。 这就是我所追求的艺术。

I am here in Taiwan.
This is already the second time this year.
With the cooperation of the Taiwanese government’s Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Kaohsiung City Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Kaohsiung City Artists’ Village and other government agencies, local construction giant Yotei Construction, and other related parties, as well as Kaoru-san, who we met through the art fair and who has played a major role in this project, and many others, artist Kazuki Torigoe’s residency The exhibition will be held in Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.
The completed works will be widely collected in the development area around the Kaohsiung City Museum of Art, which is being developed by Kaohsiung City.
There is a limit to the strength and speed of hand strokes, which are produced by the cells, nerves, and muscles that are utilized when a person paints. However, Torigoe’s gushing energy wishes to overcome even such human limitations, and he has developed a unique technique.
Torigoe’s unique style of painting “beyond stroke
The struggles and challenges Torigoe takes on behind the canvas are sure to resonate with the viewer’s soul. For some, such strong passion may be compared to their own “dreams,” and for others, it may be an opportunity to expand the possibilities of the future.
It is not a matter of being tossed about by fads and fashions, but rather of being able to involve the times and people with overwhelming power, provided, of course, that it has a built-in “subtlety. I believe that art should be like that. That is the kind of art I am looking for.
Art can easily leap over the barriers of national borders.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)